What's happening in Real Estate today?

April 6, 2020

Fluffy white bread during Covid19

Filed under: Strictly Real Estate — Judy Nevius @ 6:19 pm

Well during this very different time in our lives, we find ourselves at home working and cooking probably more than ever. It’s a great time to try new things. Have you ever made your own bread? If your like me, I can’t seem to find the bread I usually buy and love so I started experimenting with my own. This particular recipe uses traditional dry yeast which I have also found hard to get. I recently had a friend who gave me a starter for sourdough bread and I am having a lot of fun experimenting with it. This particular recipe uses sugar and potato flakes ( which I also had a hard time finding) to feed it each week. It’s a little labor and time intensive but I really like it. I will share that with you next time. Until then, stay safe and keep washing your hands,🙃

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